Platno SAMIRJEVO OKO (Samir’s eye) – 160×200
Velikost platna: 160cm X 200cm
Tehnika: akril
Že sama veličina mandale kliče, da se poleg nje skorajda ponižno usedemo in jo le opazujemo. Njena bližina nas umiri, spusti naš ego, naš glas se stiša in prevzame nas močna energija. Izžareva univerzalno ljubezen v modri, pomirja s turkizno in izstopa z žarki s katerimi je obkrožena.
Njen detajlni pomen je priložen poleg platna. Za ogled mandale v živo me lahko kontaktirate.
Sicer pa jo vidim v dnevnem prostoru domače hiše, nikakor ne v spalnici. Mandala ni sramežljiva, zato kliče po občudovanju večjih množic. Morda je za večje dvorane premajhna pa vseeno ravno pravšnja za v studie, kjer izvajate jogo, meditacijo,… Kjer bo oddajala to ljubezen bo prav.
Mandala ali budistična upodobitev vesolja.
V sanskrtu (staroindijskem jeziku) pomeni beseda mandala načrt/krog oz. središče in obrobje. Mandala je shema, ki prikazuje vesoljni red. Na mandali je vse – človek in njegovo telo, naravne sile, sonce in planeti.
Mandala je risba, ponavadi v obliki kroga ali večkotnika, ki se pogosto uporablja, kot sredstvo za razmislek, koncentracijo, meditacijo, stik s samim seboj in svojim notranjim mirom. Predstavlja močen energijski simbol, ki nam s svojimi geometričnimi oblikami, barvami in figurami pomaga poiskati ravnovesje.
V mandali je poudarjena sredina, ki predstavlja ljubezen, resnico, harmonijo in mir.
Pri gledanju mandale naj bi se koncentrirali tako na sredino, kot tudi na vse njene detajle.
Canvas size: 160cm X 200cm
Technique: acrylic
Possibillity of sending this art piece by post with or without a frame. In july 2024 we can also meet live in Gothenburg.
Contact me for more information:
Mobile: +38641543298 (Slovenia)
This grandeur mandala invites us to humbly sit next to it and just observe it. Mandala’s story is strongly connected with Stockholm and one person from there, so I want her to travel home. To where this energy still is. Her rays around are in blue-yellow colours which represents Sweden. You will get more personal information and it’s meaning if you will choose her to be part of your life.
Her proximity calms us down, lowers our ego, our voice quiets down and a strong energy takes over us. It radiates universal love in blue, soothes with turquoise and stands out with the yellow-blue rays with which it is surrounded.
Otherwise, I see her in the living room of the house, definitely not in the bedroom. Mandala is not shy, so it calls out for the admiration of larger crowds. It may be too small for larger halls, but it is still just right for studios where you practice yoga, meditation or in wellness center. Wherever this mandala will emit it’s love, it will be just right.
Mandala or Buddhist depiction of the universe.
In Sanskrit (the ancient Indian language), the word mandala means a plan/circle. center and periphery. A mandala is a diagram that shows the order of the universe. Everything is on the mandala – man and his body, natural forces, the sun and the planets.
A mandala is a drawing, usually in the form of a circle or polygon, which is often used as a means of reflection, concentration, meditation, contact with oneself and one’s inner peace. It represents a powerful energy symbol that helps us find balance with its geometric shapes, colors and figures.
In the mandala, the center is emphasized, which represents love, truth, harmony and peace.
When looking at a mandala, you should concentrate on the center as well as on all its details.